On March 2nd, in the previous post on this blog, “Permission criteria for specialized graduate students will be relaxed regarding the residence status of “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services””, I wrote that the educational requirements that serve as the standard for granting the status of residence: “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” (Engineer Nation) to international students graduating from vocational schools will be relaxed to make them similar to those for university graduates.

The relaxation of standards for international students graduating from vocational schools extends to another status of residence, “Designated Activities,” Notification No. 46, in addition to “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services”.

<What is Designated Activities>

The status of residence “Designated Activities” is a status of residence that is prepared as a receptacle for those whose purpose is to engage in activities that do not fall under the specified status of residence, such as “engineer/specialist in humanities/international services” or “business/management” etc.. It is a qualification and is an activity specifically designated for individual foreigners by the Minister of Justice.

There are designated activities specified in advance, and various activities are designated from Notification No. 1 (household servant) to No. 50 (ski instructor). (Since this is a status of residence that serves as a receptacle, notifications may be deleted or added to reflect the immigration policy at the time.

<Designated Activities>No.46>

Designated Activities Notification No. 46 is for “graduates of Japanese universities.” Foreigners who have graduated from Japanese universities, etc. (including graduate schools and technical colleges) are required to have a certain level of Japanese language proficiency, and are allowed to engage in on-the-job (unskilled) activities that are not permitted in “technical countries.”

<Differences between the two statuses of residence when university graduate is required>

country where the university is locatedon-the-job (unskilled) activities
Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International ServicesIncluding overseasNot allowed
Designated Activities Notification No. 46Japan onlyAllowed

Previously, Notification No. 46 only targeted graduates of universities, etc. (graduate schools, junior colleges, and technical colleges), but with this operational change, graduates of vocational schools will now be eligible.

This post is available in Japanese.

Japan Immigration News