STREAMO :Introduction to Online Residence Application Procedures” provides a video overview of the online residence application agency service provided by the Nishiyama Immigration Service for each procedure and status of residence (mainly how to enter the application form template).

Each status of residence, except for “permanent resident,” has a fixed period of stay, and if a foreigner remains in Japan beyond that period without maintaining a valid status of residence, he or she will remain in Japan illegally.

Therefore, if you wish to continue to remain in Japan with the same status of residence beyond your current period of stay, an “application for extension of period of stay” is an essential procedure.

This post explains the process by which our office will assist you in applying for permission to extend your period of stay (in the case of Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services).

Video content description

NICRAS 1When making various applications, Nishiyama Immigration Service sends electronic data to the Immigration Agency’s online residence application system, without having to go directly to the Immigration Bureau. (Online API-based application) This is explained at the beginning of the video.
NICRAS 2In this procedure, we ask foreign nationals (applicants) to fill out an application form template provided by our office. All applications are completed online and there is no need to visit the Immigration Office.
This is an introduction to opening the application form template (Excel) provided by our office and selecting the procedure and status of residence. Select “Application for Extension of Period of Stay” and “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” respectively.

In the case of “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services,” the larger the employer company is, the less required documents are required, and the documents are categorized into categories 1 to 4.

The template will display the required attachments on the “PROOF” sheet, so you will also need to select a category here.
NICRAS 6The “ENTRYFORM” sheet contains application form items for the selected procedure/residence status.

Enter values ​​in the “User input field” values. Select a value from the list box that opens by double-clicking the cell where the cell is light blue.
NICRAS 7When you have finished entering all items, click the “Check” button at the top right of the sheet and check the required and related items (*).

*Related item check is a consistency check between items. For example, if you select “Yes” for “Possibility of job position” but “Name of job position” is not entered, an error will occur.
NICRAS 8After confirming that there are no errors, move on to the “PROOF” sheet, check and prepare the necessary documents.

The smaller the employer, the more additional materials you will need.
NICRAS 9Finally, on the “QA” sheet, we ask you to answer each question and fill in your name.
NICRAS 10The foreign national (applicant) will email the application form template (Excel) and a set of required attachments to our office.

Our office will carefully check the contents and, if there are no problems, will apply electronically to the online residence application system. (We will use a separately developed tool for electronic transmission.)
NICRAS 11You can check the latest application and examination status on the member website provided by the office.

Japan Immigration News