
An article states that foreigners with the status of residence “Specified Skilled Worker” are becoming more and more indispensable in the hotel industry (Nikkei Asia 2024/8/9)

The “Specified Skilled Worker” status of residence, which was introduced to compensate for Japan’s labor shortage, is providing new employment opportunities, especially for foreigners. The hotel industry is one of the industries that requires a large number of foreign workers. However, when working in the hotel industry with specific skills, there are specific points to be aware of. Here, we will explain the specific points to note.

1.Japanese language ability

Language skills are extremely important in hotel operations, as they provide services to customers visiting from Japan and abroad. In the hotel industry with Specified Skills No. 1, the N4 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is generally required, which means that you can “understand basic Japanese.” However, depending on the job content, higher Japanese language ability may be required. In particular, front desk work and customer service work require smooth communication with customers, so Japanese language ability of N4 or above is often required.

2.Cultural understanding

The Japanese hotel industry places great importance on the spirit of hospitality. This refers to the service delivery method and customer service attitude unique to Japan, and an understanding of Japanese culture and customs is essential. For example, you are expected to be well-mannered, polite, punctual, and attentive to customers’ needs. Understanding and implementing this cultural background is the key to smooth work.

3.Working conditions and treatment

Foreigners working with specific skills are subject to Japanese labor laws, so they need a thorough understanding of working conditions and treatment. Particularly in the hotel industry, shift systems are common, and employees often work night shifts or early morning shifts. Therefore, it is important to check the conditions regarding working hours and vacation days in advance. Also, be sure to check your employment contract for details regarding salary, allowances, and benefits, and don’t hesitate to ask your employer if you have any questions.

4.Opportunities to improve your skills

Specified Skilled Worker is a status of residence based on the premise of improving skills. Therefore, even if you work in the hotel industry, you are expected to improve your skills through work. For example, improving your customer service skills, strengthening your Japanese language ability, or acquiring knowledge specific to the hotel industry (such as operating a reservation management system or dealing with customers) may pave the way for career advancement. Many hotels offer employee training and education programs, so we encourage you to take advantage of these.

5.Communication at work

Communication plays an important role in workplaces where people of different nationalities come together. As a foreigner working with specific skills, you need to be careful about how you communicate in the workplace. In Japan, you are expected to treat your superiors and colleagues with respect. Additionally, when a problem occurs, there is a culture that emphasizes reporting(HOkoku), communication(RENraku), and consultation(SOdan), so it “HORENSO(means spinach in Japanese)”is important to understand this and implement it appropriately.

6.Renewal and management of residence status

The maximum period of stay for specified skills is 5 years, but it usually needs to be renewed every year. The procedure for renewing your residence status requires your employer’s cooperation, so it is important to work closely with your workplace. Also, if you are late in the renewal procedure, you risk being found to be in the country illegally, so you are required to meet the deadline. Furthermore, if you wish to change jobs, you will need to confirm whether the change of status of residence will be required.

7.Adaptation to living environment

Adapting to life in Japan is also an important point. In particular, it is necessary to research and understand the cost of living, housing, medical care, and how to use public services in advance. Life in Japan is different from other countries in many ways, so it is important to respect local rules, such as how to separate garbage and how to use public transportation.

8.Restrictions on accompanying family members

The residence status of Specified Skilled Worker No. 1 does not allow family members to accompany the applicant. Therefore, you may have to live far away from your family while working in Japan. This can be an emotional burden, so you need to be aware of that and be prepared to accept it.

9.Use of labor unions and counseling organizations

If you have any problems regarding working conditions or treatment, you can use labor unions and counseling organizations that support foreign workers. These organizations provide information and consultation to protect workers’ rights, and when a problem arises, it is possible to receive advice on how to deal with it appropriately.

10.Dealing with unfair dismissal and discrimination

Unfair dismissal and discrimination are issues that foreign workers are likely to face, not just in the hotel industry. When working with specific skills, it is important to understand the rights protected by Japanese law and to consult the appropriate authorities if you encounter these issues.


When working in the hotel industry with specific skills, there are many things to keep in mind, such as Japanese language ability, cultural understanding, understanding of working conditions, communication in the workplace, and management of residence status. However, by understanding these points properly and dealing with them appropriately, you will be able to make your work experience in Japan a meaningful one. Additionally, through experience in the Japanese hotel industry, you can further hone your skills and connect them to your future career. Please take these precautions into account and make sure to prepare for a fulfilling working life.

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