The role played by Gyoseishoshis(≒Immigration lawyers) is extremely important at the Immigration Services Agency, where a shortage of personnel is a serious problem. Gyoseishoshis are familiar with legal procedures and have specialized knowledge regarding the entry and residence of foreigners. The areas in which they can contribute are wide-ranging, and they can be indispensable in improving the operational efficiency of the Immigration Services Agency, strengthening legal compliance, and even developing a support system for foreign residents.

1.Current status and challenges of the Immigration Services Agency

The Immigration Services Agency is in charge of immigration control and residence permits for foreigners in Japan, as well as examination of applications for permanent residence and naturalization. However, due to labor shortages due to recent globalization and the aging of Japanese society, the acceptance of foreign workers and international students is increasing. As a result, the workload of the Immigration Services Agency has increased, and a labor shortage has become apparent. In particular, the examination and processing of application documents requires specialized knowledge, increasing the risk of delays and errors.

2.Expertise and role of Gyoseishoshi

Gyoseishoshis have extensive knowledge of Japanese laws and administrative procedures, and are particularly familiar with foreign resident status and naturalization procedures. Their main job is to prepare documents and apply on behalf of foreigners regarding their immigration and residence. By involving an Gyoseishoshi, it is possible to take over some of the work performed by Immigration Services Agency staff and reduce the burden.

Specifically, immigration lawyers can contribute in the following tasks:

3.Streamline document creation and reduce errors

Gyoseishoshis are professionals who prepare the documents necessary for foreigners to apply for residence status. When processing applications at the Immigration Services Agency, incomplete or incorrect documents can cause delays or rejection of applications. By having an Gyoseishoshi prepare the documents on behalf of the applicant, these mistakes can be prevented in advance and the process will run smoothly. In addition, by having an Gyoseishoshi prepare accurate documents, they can contribute to streamlining the examination operations of the Immigration Services Agency.

4.Faster application process

The Immigration Services Agency often receives a large number of applications at once, and this is one of the causes of work delays. By having an Gyoseishoshi handle the application procedures on your behalf, applicants can avoid making incorrect procedures or submitting inappropriate documents, and as a result, the examination progresses quickly. This makes it possible to reduce the impact caused by the shortage of staff at the Immigration Services Agency.

5.Support for foreign residents

Gyoseishoshi can provide support for foreign residents to properly stay in Japan. For example, we support procedures that are complex and difficult for foreigners to understand, such as renewing or changing residence status and applying for permanent residence. It also plays a role in preventing misunderstandings and troubles caused by language and cultural differences. This not only allows foreign residents to smoothly adapt to Japanese society, but also reduces the operational burden on the Immigration Services Agency.

6.Strengthening legal compliance

Gyoseishoshis, as legal experts, help foreigners comply with Japanese laws. For example, Gyoseishoshis provide appropriate advice on issues such as fraudulent use of work visas and illegal stay, and contribute to the prevention of illegal activities. This will reduce the number of illegal cases faced by the Immigration Services Agency, creating an environment in which they can focus on their core business.

7.Cooperation with local governments in accepting foreigners

The Immigration Services Agency works with local governments to accept and manage foreign nationals. Gyoseishoshis can contribute to improving the environment for accepting foreigners in local communities. For example, through activities at daily life counseling sessions and legal consultation sessions for foreigners sponsored by local governments, we solve problems faced by foreign residents and support their integration into local communities. Such activities reduce the operational burden on the Immigration Services Agency at the local level and contribute to strengthening the overall system for accepting foreigners.


Gyoseishoshis play a wide variety of roles at the Immigration Services Agency. By leveraging their expertise and experience, we can improve the operational efficiency of the Immigration Services Agency and reduce delays and errors caused by staff shortages. Additionally, by strengthening support for foreign residents, Japanese society as a whole will be better equipped to accept foreigners. By obtaining the cooperation of gyoseishoshis, the Immigration Services Agency will be able to carry out its operations more smoothly and efficiently, and the quality of its services to foreign residents will also improve.

Japan Immigration News