The impact of refugee employment on corporate CSR activities

“Those who return to their homeland and those who remain in Japan: the thoughts of each of the Ukrainian evacuees. What support can we offer now?” (2024/8/24 Nippon Foundation) describes “Employment of evacuees and CSR activities of companies” .

For Japanese companies to employ refugees, it is not only a humanitarian act, but also brings many benefits from a corporate social responsibility (CSR) perspective. CSR refers to activities by which companies fulfill their responsibilities to society, and aims to achieve sustainable corporate growth and contribute to society. Employment of displaced people should be considered as part of this CSR activity, and its benefits extend to companies, displaced people, and society as a whole.

1.Promoting diversity and inclusion in CSR

1.1 Strengthening diversity

By hiring displaced people, companies can greatly increase diversity in the workplace. When people from diverse backgrounds come together, different perspectives and ideas are more easily generated, promoting innovation. Displaced people have different cultures and experiences, and incorporating their perspectives can lead to richer discussions and creative solutions for companies.

1.2 Achieving inclusion

Creating a work environment where people from diverse backgrounds have equal opportunities will also contribute to building an inclusive society. By hosting displaced people, companies can provide a model for treating talent fairly and achieving social equity. This creates a positive impact on society as a whole and sets a good example for other companies and organizations.

2.Creating social value and strengthening the corporate brand

2.1 Contribution to social issues

Displaced people are people who have fled war, conflict, persecution, etc., and the difficulties they face are extremely serious. When Japanese companies employ them, they directly contribute to solving these social issues. By working as a member of society to support the independence of evacuees, companies can extend support to the entire local community and create social value.

2.2 Strengthening the corporate brand

Companies that promote the employment of displaced people can clearly demonstrate that they are fulfilling their social responsibility. This strengthens the company’s brand and increases the trust of consumers, business partners, and investors. In particular, it is likely to be highly evaluated by consumers who are interested in contributing to society and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investors. This positive brand image contributes to a company’s long-term growth.

3.Resolving human resource shortages and corporate sustainability

3.1 Securing labor force

In Japan, labor shortages due to the declining birthrate and aging population have become a serious problem. Employing displaced people has the effect of making up for this labor shortage. Many evacuees are willing to work and have a variety of skills and experience. By leveraging their workforce, companies can maintain sustainable business operations.

3.2 Increasing skill diversity and economic value

Many evacuees had high skills and expertise in their home countries, and by making full use of their abilities, companies can increase their economic value. Utilizing human resources with experience in different fields can strengthen a company’s competitiveness and lead to the discovery of new markets and business opportunities.

4.Promoting social integration and strengthening social cohesion

4.1 Supporting social integration

Employment is critical to the integration of displaced people into their new society. By employing displaced people, businesses can provide opportunities for them to adapt and contribute to their communities. This will enable evacuees to become independent and fulfill their roles as members of society.

4.2 Strengthening social cohesion

By employing displaced people, companies can strengthen their relationships with local communities. Businesses that take in evacuees can collaborate with local residents and other businesses to build support systems together. This will strengthen social cohesion throughout the region and be a step toward realizing a cohesive society.

5.Fulfillment of legal and ethical responsibilities

5.1 Compliance with international human rights standards

In order to fulfill our responsibilities as an international company, we are required to comply with international standards regarding human rights. Treating displaced people fairly and providing employment opportunities demonstrates that companies comply with international human rights standards. This allows companies to gain trust from global stakeholders.

5.2 Promoting ethical behavior

Employment of displaced people can be positioned as part of a company’s ethical behavior. When a company takes ethical action, it has a positive impact on its employees and society as a whole. An ethical company culture motivates employees and improves overall company performance.

6.Expanding your global influence

6.1 Improving international reputation

Companies that employ displaced people also gain recognition on the international stage. In particular, it will increase your reputation with international organizations, NGOs, and governments of other countries, and strengthen your position as a global company. This expands international business opportunities and contributes to company growth.

6.2 Building international partnerships

Companies that actively work to support displaced people have more opportunities to build partnerships with companies and organizations in other countries. This expands your international network and opens up new business opportunities. It is also possible for Japanese companies to demonstrate leadership by serving as a model case for CSR activities in other countries.


For Japanese companies to employ evacuees, it is an extremely meaningful initiative from a CSR perspective and brings many benefits. The benefits of employing displaced people are wide-ranging, including promoting diversity, creating social value, resolving labor shortages, and promoting social integration. You can also expect long-term benefits such as improved international reputation and expanded global influence.

By employing displaced people, companies can pursue sustainable growth while fulfilling their responsibilities to society. Initiatives like this should reflect the company’s values ​​and culture and deepen the trust of employees and stakeholders. Employment of displaced persons as a CSR activity brings great benefits to both companies and society, and is expected to become even more important in the future.

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