The Sankei Shimbun article: “Pre-travel screening will be introduced for foreign tourists, aiming to eliminate illegal stays due to abuse of ‘visa exemption'” (2024/08/21) introduces the Japanese version of ESTA (JESTA).

The Japanese version of ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) is an online travel authorization system that foreign nationals staying in Japan for a short period of time obtain in advance, especially for travelers from visa-exempt countries. The introduction of such a pre-certification system is considered to be a very effective means of preventing illegal stays. Below, we will explain in detail how the Japanese version of ESTA helps prevent illegal stay.

1.Risk reduction through preliminary screening

With the introduction of the Japanese version of ESTA, foreigners wishing to travel to Japan will be required to apply online in advance and undergo government screening. Through this preliminary screening, high-risk individuals, such as those with a past history of illegal stay, those with criminal records, and those suspected of activities related to terrorism, will be identified before entering the country, and measures will be taken to prevent them from traveling. becomes possible. This is expected to effectively reduce the incidence of illegal stays by preventing potential illegal residents before they enter Japan.

2.Strengthen confirmation of destination and purpose of travel

When applying for ESTA, you will be asked to provide not only your personal information, but also detailed information such as your destination, purpose of travel, and length of stay. This allows the Japanese government to understand the destinations and plans of people entering the country, and to identify in advance those with suspicious behavior or unnatural plans. For example, if you are applying to enter the country for the purpose of tourism, but you declare a long-term stay or an unclear place of stay, we may take measures to deny entry by conducting stricter screening. can. In this way, a major advantage of the Japanese version of ESTA is that it can eliminate those planning to stay illegally in advance by confirming the purpose of travel and the place of stay in detail.

3.Improving the efficiency of immigration control and utilizing databases

The introduction of the Japanese version of ESTA will also contribute to streamlining immigration operations. By collecting information in advance through the Japanese version of ESTA, the Immigration Bureau will be able to shorten immigration screening time and focus more resources on identifying and dealing with illegal immigrants. Additionally, the information obtained through ESTA is stored in a database and can be used for future criminal investigations and tracking of illegal immigrants. This makes it possible to respond more accurately and quickly, and to implement effective measures to prevent illegal stay.

4.Sharing information on those refused entry and strengthening deterrence

Information about persons denied entry under ESTA may be shared with other relevant authorities. This is expected to have the mutual effect of preventing those who have been denied entry from attempting to enter the country again by other means, and by sharing information with other countries, it will be difficult for people with similar risks to enter the country. In addition, the introduction of ESTA will have a strong deterrent effect against those seeking to stay illegally or work illegally, as “Japan has strict immigration controls,” leading to the prevention of illegal activities.

5.Improving policies through accumulation and analysis of statistical data

The huge amount of data accumulated through the operation of the Japanese version of ESTA is an essential element in formulating policies that will help prevent illegal stays. By analyzing in detail the trends in entry refusal cases, application content, and the background of illegal immigrants, data can be used to strengthen screening standards for immigrants from specific countries or regions, or strengthen monitoring during specific periods. It will be possible to formulate flexible and effective policies based on It is hoped that this data-driven approach will make countermeasures against illegal immigrants more effective.

6.Utilizing technology to prevent counterfeiting and detect fraud

By introducing the ESTA system, it is possible to introduce a fraud detection and counterfeit prevention mechanism that utilizes the latest technology. For example, by collecting an applicant’s biometric information (such as fingerprints or facial recognition data) and checking it against that information during immigration inspection, it is possible to prevent people from entering the country using forged passports or fraudulent ID documents. In addition, AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning can be used to detect applicants’ past immigration history, criminal history, and discrepancies in application details, and identify those judged to be at high risk of illegally staying in Japan. This is expected to have the effect of preventing people from entering the country for the purpose of illegally staying.

7.Improving consistency in measures to prevent illegal stay by strengthening international cooperation

The introduction of the Japanese version of ESTA will not only help prevent illegal stays within Japan, but will also contribute to strengthening international cooperation with other countries. By introducing a system similar to ESTA in the United States and ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorization System) in Europe, information sharing and cooperation between countries will be facilitated. This will not only prevent illegal immigrants from attempting to re-enter Japan via other countries, but may also contribute to the dismantling of international illegal immigrant networks.

8.Improving the health and reliability of the tourism industry

Tourism is one of Japan’s major industries, and the increase in the number of foreign tourists is particularly important for economic growth. However, if the number of people who misuse tourist visas to stay for long periods or work illegally increases, there is a risk that Japan’s public safety and international credibility will be damaged. The introduction of the Japanese version of ESTA will increase the credibility of tourists and make it easier to distinguish between legal travelers and illegal immigrants. This will lead to a healthier tourism industry and an improved image of Japan.


The introduction of the Japanese version of ESTA may bring many benefits in preventing illegal stays. It is expected that the risk of illegal overstay will be significantly reduced by combining various methods, such as strengthening prior screening, utilizing technology, improving policies through data analysis, and strengthening international cooperation. This is believed to help maintain public order in Japan, improve the health of its tourism industry, and further improve its international credibility. Therefore, the introduction of the Japanese version of ESTA will be a very effective means from the perspective of preventing illegal stay.

Japan Immigration