Yesterday, I posted about the Saga Shimbun article 2024/10/04 that said, “A fake telephone scam occurred in which a Chinese man in his 20s living in Ogi City was defrauded of 3 million yen”. I would like to focus on fraud damage linked to “residence status” in particular.

For foreign residents, a “status of residence” is extremely important to support their livelihood, and without it, they would not be able to stay or work in Japan. Scams and troubles that take advantage of this fear of losing residence status are increasing in Japan. In particular, there are many reports of foreigners who are unfamiliar with Japanese laws and systems being targeted and getting into trouble. Below, I will explain points that foreigners should be aware of to avoid fraud and trouble related to their status of residence, using specific examples.

1.Fake visa renewal service

For foreigners staying in Japan, periodic renewal of their status of residence is an inevitable process. Increasingly, fake agents and intermediaries appear during this process to commit fraud. These scammers pretend to “renew visas on your behalf” and either try to scam you out of fees or use fake documents to illegally renew visas. Such acts carry the risk of the victim becoming an illegal immigrant without being aware of the fraud.

Case 1: Fake visa renewal agency

When it was time for a foreign worker to renew his status of residence, a friend introduced him to a company that could renew his visa on his behalf. The company asked for a large amount of money in fees and assured him that the process would go smoothly. However, several months later, he received a notification from the Immigration Bureau informing him that his application had been rejected. The businessman used forged documents to apply, and the foreigner ended up staying in the country illegally. In cases like this, victims should either take the steps themselves based on reliable sources of information, or be sure to ask a highly reliable professional, such as an administrative scrivener or lawyer.

2.Application agency fraud using forged documents and false declarations

In order to obtain or renew a status of residence in Japan, it is necessary to submit various documents, and there are many scams that attempt to fraudulently manipulate these documents. In particular, foreigners who have difficulty reading and writing Japanese may think that they cannot handle the procedures themselves, and simply ask a company that claims to “handle the procedures on their behalf”. However, these companies often create fraudulent documents and make false declarations, resulting in foreigners themselves getting into legal trouble.

Case 2: Application for residence status using a fake educational certificate

When a foreign student applied for an extension of his status of residence, he heard that he needed a certificate of educational background, and felt that it would be difficult to obtain the document, so he turned to an agency he found on the Internet. The company promised to “prepare all the necessary documents” and demanded a high fee.

However, the documents actually submitted by the vendor were forged, and the fraud was discovered by the Immigration Bureau, and the international student was not only refused the renewal of his visa, but also became subject to deportation. .

In cases like this, it is important not to falsify documents or make false declarations, even if the procedure is complicated. It is essential to have a trusted professional handle the formal procedure.

3.Fraudulent employment and fraudulent acquisition of residence status

There are many cases where fraudulent employment is involved as part of fraud that exploits residence status. Employers who employ foreign nationals to work illegally may attempt to fraudulently obtain a visa for workers who do not have the appropriate status by filing an application with false job descriptions. This forces foreign nationals to work in inappropriate working conditions and, in some cases, places them in situations that violate labor standards laws. In addition, there is a risk that a residence status obtained through such fraudulent means will later be invalidated by the Immigration Bureau, and in the worst case, you may be ordered to leave the country.

Case 3: Fraudulent acquisition of residence status through fraudulent employment

When a foreigner applied for a resident status to work in Japan, his employer filled out false job descriptions and forced him to obtain a resident status as an engineer, even though he was actually only doing simple labor.

However, the Immigration Bureau later investigated and discovered that he had made a false declaration. Foreign workers had their immigration status invalidated and were at risk of deportation.

In cases like this, it is important to follow the due process and not to comply with fraudulent offers from your employer. It is also recommended that you thoroughly check your employment contract yourself and consult a specialist if you have any doubts.

4.Scam claiming to be a fake Immigration Bureau official

Recently, scams claiming to be fake immigration officials have also been reported. Scammers use methods such as pretending to be from the Immigration Bureau over the phone or email and demanding fines and fees under the pretext of violating immigration status. These scams especially target foreigners who are unfamiliar with Japanese or the law, and victims may mistakenly believe that the procedure is legitimate and end up paying money.

Case 4: Fake notification fraud from the Immigration Bureau

One day, a foreigner staying in Japan received a phone call from someone claiming to be from the Immigration Bureau. The person informed them that there was a problem with his immigration status and insisted that the fine must be paid immediately to resolve the issue.

The victim believed this story and transferred the money to the specified account, but later realized it was a scam. Immigration authorities will not request fines by phone or email. Official notices will be sent by mail, so avoid responding to requests for money by phone or email.

5.Fraud that misuses “special permission to stay”

There are also increasing cases of fraud by pretending to have special permission for residence. Special permission to stay is granted based on specific circumstances, rather than a regular residence status. There is a scam in which a fake intermediary takes advantage of this system and deceives you by telling you that you can definitely get a visa if you go through special procedures, and charges a high fee. This puts foreign nationals at risk of trying to obtain a visa through fraudulent means.

Case 5: Fraud of special resident status

A foreign national whose period of stay in Japan was about to expire, turned to a company that claimed to be able to extend his status of residence through special procedures. The businessman demanded a high fee and promised to provide a “special route” to obtain a special residence permit, but in reality such a special route did not exist and the businessman did not show up after receiving the money.

In order to avoid getting caught up in such scams, it is important to obtain correct information regarding your immigration status and stay away from suspicious businesses.


For foreign residents, the status of residence is an important element that supports the foundation of life in Japan, and losing this status is equivalent to losing the basis of livelihood. As a result, there is no end to the number of cases where people get involved in scams and troubles that take advantage of this anxiety. There are a variety of methods involved, including fraud posing as a visa renewal agent, forged documents, fraud related to fraudulent employment, and fraud pretending to be a fake immigration official.

To avoid these troubles, it is important to always use reliable sources of information and firmly deal with dubious vendors and fraudulent offers. Additionally, if you are faced with a problem regarding your residence status, you should always be sure to consult an expert or public institution. By acting carefully and based on correct information, you can prevent problems related to your status of residence.

Japan Immigration News